So how to spend christmas in New Zealand.....
After asking many of my work colleagues how chistmas is supposed to be celebrated in New Zealand, We realised there was no other was to spend christmas than the classic Kiwi BBQ!
Sal managed to get christmas eve off work, so she Mum and Dad headed up to Russell in the bay of Islands via butchers, fishmongers and the supermarket and got the bach all set up for christmas, Si & I however had to work christmas eve so we all set off from Auckland at around 6.30pm. With Cheese and christmas tune blaring we wet off on the 3 hour drive to the bay of islands managing to arrive to Paihai just in time to catch the last car ferry across to Russell. We arrived to a very excited Sal who had spent a lot of effort with Mum to try and make the bach all christmassy with tin foil stars and ribbons hung onto the large twigs in the corner of the room (to good effect)
Christmas Day! I woke up early (unfortunatel

y due to painful stomach cramps not excitement) however I decided that as I was up it was a good idea to wake all the other up (didn't go down to well with bara who apparently usually appreciates his christmas morning lie in!) Then as the classic song suggests, I decided it was a good idea to go for a swim out across the bay at 10.30am (if you don't know what song I'm talking about check out 'it's christmas in New Zeal

and' on you tube)
The whole family went out for a lovely swim to set us up for the day.
Soon after leaving the water Dad popped open the New Zealand Champagne and we enjoyed buck's fizz with some eggs benedict (unsurprisingly sausage butty for James) We then decided it was a good idea to bring out all the presents onto the front lawn and open them in the sun, (as you can tell Si was rather pleased with the size of the pile, but kind of wished they were all for him!)
After opening all the presents (Santa and family were VERY kind, we got loads of lovely presents, particularly grateful for all the gifts that made it over from the UK!) we headed down to the beach with a bag full of beach games and another bag full of beers. We sun bath

ed, messed around in the water an drank several beers before heading back to the bach for around 4pm to start the massive christmas feast.
Had an amazing christmas dinner on the BBQ- about 5 courses, scallops, prawns, tuna steak, ribeye steak and christmas pudding.
Dad (rather foolishly) thought 12 bottles of wine would be plenty to last us the long weekend in Russell...he soon realised that was an error when we opened the 10th bottle at around 11pm, shortly followed by many (not so sober) phone calls to

family back in the UK with christmas wishes (not sure they noticed!!)
Boxing day we got the ferry over to Paihia and Waitangi where the treaty between the British and the Maori was signed. Really beautiful treaty grounds and great way to learn about what happened over here. The treaty is still used as a basis to all the rights of the Maori's in NZ. We then wandered around a few of the shops while Si and James went to play in the sea. Had another great BBQ of lamb steaks with more wine.
Sunday we had a sailing trip booked for the afternoon. We sailed around the bay, about 40 islands and stopped at one.
Si found a dried up dead fish on the beach and decided to act like a true gentleman and hit me round the head with it (something I really appreciated) He then found a stick, speared it and proceeded to chas

e me along the beach with it (I'm so glad Sal managed to find herself such a mature and upstanding member of society!) Everyone found it very amusing - glad I can provide that entertainment!
We then walked to the top of one of the islands for amazing panoramic of the bay of islands.
Mum, Dad, Sal and Si then headed off down for a long week break around South Island whilst we headed back to Auckland for me to start my first week of nights!